Monday, January 30, 2012

Farm Wife ~~ Hand Signals

Image taken from the Sept/Oct, 1995 issue of Country Woman magazine

Hand signals can be confusing for a farm wife; sometimes I feel like I'm supposed to read Popa's mind. It's the worst whenever I'm the one in the tractor; what do all the circling motions mean? Turn the steering wheel right or left? Move forward or stop? The wave, back and forth, are we finished? The one signal I do know is the disgruntled frown; I just don't know, but I can't read minds.


  1. LOL, yes hand signals are confusing!

  2. Oh...I thought Farm Boy was the only one with those confusin' hand signals.

    I never know when to come, go or dart around in circles. Go they learn those in Ag class???


    God bless ya sweetie and have a magnificent week!!!

  3. lol oh yes, I agree the husband's hand signals are so funny sometimes and almost always confusing. Cute post. Thanks for the giggle. :)

  4. Cute post, sometimes I think all hubbies expect us to read their minds..

  5. Huge smile here! I know exactly what you mean Charlotte.

  6. Ha, ha, ha, so funny. Just about everything guys do is confusing to me.

  7. Oh, Charlotte, I can totally relate! Although my hubby isn't a farmer, I sometimes help him move a vehicle, etc. And they do give you the impression that they want you to read their mind!?!

  8. It's amazing that they think we know exactly what they want us to do. Different story when it is the other way around! :)

  9. This was too funny, Charlotte! I don't do well with my hubby's signals either because half the time I can't see that far! *haha*

  10. Love it! My husband changes the hand signals on me-and comes up with some pretty imaginative ones that make us all laugh!
