Saturday, January 24, 2009

'Til Death Do Us Part

A man from our church died this week. I didn't know him well, so he may have had a lot of accomplishments in his long life. The one thing I did know about him was that he and his wife had been married for 74 years. Wow! That's a LONG time!

My husband and I just celebrated our 19th anniversary a month ago. We still haven't yet made it to the point where we've lived with each other longer than we lived apart (still about 6 years to go). Still, it's hard to remember (or imagine) living without him. Can you imagine how much more true that would be if you'd been married to someone for a period of time as long as some people's actual lifespan?

When my husband and I got married, I remember joking that we would both have to live to be 100 or more to be able to celebrate our 75th anniversary. (I also remember joking that I might have the tablecloth I was crocheting finished by that time!) But in the 19 years since then, I don't know that we've consciously thought about trying to achieve that milestone -- or any other. We've been too busy with daily life, with going to work and paying the bills and raising the kids. And somewhere along the way, we've accumulated 6,968 of those days. I guess that's how it is for any married couple - the days keep coming, passing quickly or slowly. And one day, if we stick with it, we look up and those days equal 25 years, or 50, or in a very few cases, 75.

1 comment:

  1. I think my brother has been lucky to have had you in his life for the past 19 years!! been great having you for a sister in law also!
