While dusting the bookcase, I ran across this little book:
The inside front page calls it, "A manual of manners for polite infants inculcating (?)many juvenile virtues both by precept and example." My girls were introduced to the Goops through the Better Homes and Gardens Story Book about forty years ago. Later I ordered the book about the Goops from Dover Publications; I'm not sure too many of the grand kids ever read it. There are forty three subjects listed in the table of contents. These are a few of my favorites:
I think many adults fall into this category too:
"Let me introduce you to a Race
Void of Beauty and of Grace...
Yet you'll learn, if you are Bright,
Politeness from the Impolite..."
Honor thy father and thy mother: and, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. Matt. 19:19