Friday, September 7, 2018


Today I'm feeling weary; blog weary.  It has reached the point where I don't seem to be able to come up with any subjects of interest to anyone.  Oh, there are the faithful few who comment each time I post something and I'm thankful for them, but it really isn't worth my effort or the time it takes to prepare a post now.   I know a lot of people have gone to Facebook, which I don't do, nor do I text, so perhaps that has taken its toll on blogging.

When I first started writing for the blog, it was to be about my quilting, but I never found many women who wanted to share words with me about this.  I made a few dolls, doll clothing, and stories from my childhood to write about.  I'm a FarmHer, and only one other person connected with me on work I do in the chicken houses and on the farm.

So, for now I'm going to be absent from my blog.   I'll continue visiting your blogs.

Thank you, and may God bless each of you.


  1. As you probably know by now, Charlotte, I'm about ready to un-blog myself. Apparently, I've been hacked and that hurts. I saw it coming though when I'd look at the stats; sometimes there are as many as 200 who have viewed but maybe 4 comments on that day.

    I'm glad you're going to leave yours up though; I think I may begin again and going to write down the friends that I know I still have in the blog world but I won't "advertise" that I have a new one when that happens.

    The world is a crazy place, at least for you and me; and I'm sure many others. It saddens me the condition our country has come to. I don't talk politics or much religion on my blog but that seems to be what it's come to, at least nasty politics these days.

    I enjoy our friendship, Charlotte. Please take care of yourself and know I think of you! And, appreciate you!


    1. Sally, I read what you put on your blog about being hacked. I don't know if I've been hacked. It's almost like my posts don't get published or something. Maybe I'll be back someday, but now I think I will enjoy the freedom from blogging. We have such slow internet service it takes a lot of valuable time putting up a post. Thank you so much for all the wonderful things you have said to me in your comments. They boost one's morale. ;)

  2. I had noticed your coming and going in blog land, but had no idea about the problem you have with sleeping. That certainly would take its toll on a person. I'm hoping this will improve for you. Thank you for being a faithful follower.

  3. Hey, I just saw your comment on my page also. Sad, isn't it. I'll keep your blog name on the list I'll be making. Take care!! xoxo

  4. I know how you feel. It is hard to come up with interesting things everyday. So I just write about life as a journal. But I always like your posts.

  5. I'm so sorry to hear that you feel this way. I have enjoyed your posts and seeing your beautiful quilts. One of the things that drew me to becoming a follower was your beautiful paper piecing work. You have been an inspiration to me and have helped me reach out and try new patterns. In fact just this last week while camping I taught my sister-in-law how to paper piece. We sat outside under the shade of the trees and worked on small pieces while visiting. Maybe you just need a little rest from posting . . . remember that the Good Lord gave us all special gifts and that yours is no less than anyone else. Never put down the fact that you are a "FarmHer" . . . for you are the roots of the American way of life. In my book your top rate.
    God bless you and please stay in touch and visit me . . . maybe your daughter will be kind and post photos of your charming quilt work.
    Keep Smiling!
    Connie :)

  6. I know that feeling well, but I am sure going to miss you, BECAUSE, although I have no interest in quilting, I do have a HUGE interest in what is going on at The Farm.
    I pray God continues to bless you and your family and that every little baby chick that comes to you, finds a good home where she can produce eggs for the family. LOL

  7. Charlotte, I have the same thought. Not feeling well, no family near
    thankful for some help and life goes on. I love to write but do not
    like writing about health issues. God Bless You

  8. You are NOT a boring person. I will miss you and your posts, Charlotte, but I also understand the feeling. When I first started blogging (about 11 years ago, I think!), I posted every day. I have almost quit several times, but eventually I come back to it again. Now I post just whenever I feel like it which isn't very often. I've lost readers because I don't post every day. So be it. I probably will call it quits sometime before long, but for now I dabble in it. Hugs to you. I'm sure you will enjoy the time you free up by not blogging. I will think of you. :-)

  9. Oh Charlotte, I'll miss you so much and enjoy every post you put up. You and I can relate to so much. When I don't hear from you I always try to check your blog and enjoy your comments on mine. I too have so much illness right now and can't blog like I want to but I miss it so much. Please hurry back.

  10. I'm sure we all feel this way sometimes. I am glad you visited me and I enjoyed reading some of your posts. I will check back in the future to see if you are blogging again. Take care... hoping that these feelings you have will pass quickly.

  11. Hi Charlotte, Please do not stop blogging...see I am a new follower. I like the fall leaves picture. I picked you up at Country Side Poet. Don't you just love Susie's stories and her manner of telling them? You won't find that on face book. LOL. I hope you are doing well. Blessings to you and yours, xoxo, Susie

  12. Going to miss you! Even if I didn't get to leave comments in every single post, I still read them. Perhaps, if possible, pop by once in awhile with a little update ;-).
    I appreciate comments left on my blog, however blogging for me is more like a craft journal or diary, it helps me to see (I'm very visual) where I'm at, what I have accomplished, and if I'm improving... and that keeps me going and even motivate me to keep stitching which in turn serves as therapy.

  13. Gosh, you've said what I've been feeling much of the time lately. I rarely post on Facebook other than to announce a new blog post and usually it gets ignored. I think we all need some kind of recharge, but I'm not sure what it will take for me.

    I wish you well.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  14. In reply to the comment you left on my blog: I'm sorry to hear about your Army Worm problem. Farmers are so depended on the weather and the insects that visit each year. Folks that have never been on a farm and have only purchased their food in the super market have no idea of the trials of farming. Then again they have no ideas of the joys and pleasures of country living either :)
    I hope that your spirits are up a little from when you posted this last post. We are all rooting for you . . . cheer up we are all in the same boat:)
    Sending you good wishes.
    Connie :)

  15. Hope you're doing good and not staying to busy. Summer is winding down and sometimes that brings on lots more things to get done. Miss you and take care.

  16. Well I hope you enjoy your time away, soemtimes we have to,do,that. However you could blog about your thoughts, pics that you find on the internet that interest you, tv shows you like.....just share!

  17. Replying to your comment: It was a great place to do both or either, LOL. Beautiful views in every direction :) Thanks for stopping by and visiting.

  18. Thank you for your kind comments on my blog today. I came over to meet you and I'm so sorry that you aren't blogging anymore. Hope you change your mind.

  19. Thanks for stopping by my blog today. ( did you know you are a no reply blogger? ) Since I built the callous up on my finger, I told hubby I need to stitch something daily to keep it there!! ha!

  20. Aww, I can totally relate. I started my blog as a way to keep my mom informed of our life, as we lived several hours apart. She has since passed away, but I continue as a way to document my own projects for my future reference. My projects aren't necessarily 'blog worthy' but it's a nice little diary for me. Sometimes I think of making a private file for those things and no longer blogging about them. But I do LOVE reading other people's blogs! Thanks for stopping by my blog and the sweet comments you left about my new crochet attempt. ☺️

  21. I know what you mean... I just use my blog as a diary, too, so I am not always as loyal to it as I should be. And a lot of stuff that I do never gets posted. A lot of it involves my family and I'm not sure they want to be published so I don't include them in my posts. I have dry spells sometimes, too, and then there are times when I have lots to talk about. Chin up, do as you please, it's your blog! haha

  22. It is hard for me to come up with stuff for my blog also. I don't text, I have an old flip top phone. I am not on FB after getting hooked on games and had to keep finding new people to play with that I didn't know from Adam, I posted that I wasn't going to play anymore and got a bunch of flack so I left FB and don't miss it. Of course people on the blogs are strangers except the ones I have blogged with for years but I enjoy posting my projects and looking at theirs. I hope you blog cause I think you are interesting. hugs, lj

  23. oh are just in a blog slump. Don't compare yourself to other blogs or bloggers. What you post is always sweet and I love to visit and read what you have posted. If you are looking for quilt groups...there really are great groups on Facebook, but I think you can research quilt blogs and find some good quilt bloggers. Just take a break and do post again! Kathleen

  24. I have always loved everything you post. Take a break but please don't quit. I would miss you terribly!!

  25. Oh, my, Charlotte, I sure will miss your entries on your blog. I always enjoy your photos, and postings. I sure will miss your blogging.

  26. I have had two knee operations. I just came back myself. Dont worry about numbers Charlotte. Come over to my blog. Then I will add you. I myself dont know what to say half the time. Who does. And some days my camera works and other days. I just gabble away. I found Mary. And here I am going to door to door introducing myself. Ha.ha
    Do you know dummy me. Took three days to get my blog up. It malfunctioned. So had to start again . Long story. I was ready to say forget blogging. I had put a gadget up where my title was. Click in a picture. It went right over the top of my Title. Did not know how to get it off. For an hour later. So come back

  27. I love your stories. I came back. I commented on many of yours. It is not that your boring. Your far from it Your pictures are nice. You take time to explain things. That is wonderful. If you get 4 people that love your blog. That is plenty. That becomes a true friendship.

  28. Well, I'm a little late seeing this post. For some reason, I can't keep up with all the blogs I follow, and try to post too. But, I did love and enjoy you blog and all your posts. I felt like we had a lot in common. Hate to see you go, but hope you will come back and blog again.

  29. I went thru that too and returned! Hope you do too!

  30. Charlotte, I've always enjoyed your posts. You are very talented and make such beautiful things. I always loved looking at your aprons and quilts. I have also stopped blogging as much as I used to, but still do every now and then. I'm on facebook and I post there more than I blog. I hope you return to blogging.

  31. I just active to blog than other social medias.
    happy thanksgiving

  32. No Facebook for me. Was a farm gal growing up. Janice

  33. I hope you had a great Thanksgiving and are staying warm with this cold weather. I just wanted to keep in touch with you.

  34. Just to let you know how much I appreciate the lovely comments that you leave on my blog. Thank you . . . this warms my heart and Merry Christmas to you too sweet friend.

  35. Just stopped by and wanted to wish you a merry Christmas!

  36. I just have to stop by and wish you a merry Christmas!

  37. Just wanted to say thank you for stopping by my blog so often and I want to wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas!

  38. Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones!

  39. Just dropped in to wish you a blessed and Happy New Year!

  40. Stopping by to wish you a blessed and Happy New Year!

  41. Hello, Charlotte... sad to see you're not blogging anymore but I totally understand... seem I ran out of things to talk about too.. (or maybe I just realized how boring I was *haha*) Hope you had a wonderful Christmas and New Year!

  42. I sure hope you had a wonderful Christmas and will have very happy New Year. Looks like according to the weather forecast, you'll have snow this week. Hope you'll stay warm and enjoy the snow.

  43. I hope all is well with you and your aren't having a lot of snow. Hopefully, spring will come soon.

  44. Hi , I haven't blogged in quite some time, feeling the same way. I always enjoyed your posts. I hope you are well and in good health.
    Blessings to you!

  45. Just a note to say thank you for your prayers and your blogging friendship. We appreciate it so much.

  46. Hi Charlotte. been thinking about you so much lately and hope all is well. Sending lots of thoughts and blessings.

  47. Hello, I just wanted to stop by and say hello to you! Hope all is going well! blessings, Kathleen

  48. Thank you so much for your visit and comment on my blog! It's wonderful to meet another believer! I am sad though, that you aren't blogging-but I do understand how it can be quite a lot of work. I hope you will visit me again!

  49. Thanks for commenting on my blog. I hope all is well with you and I guess you are getting ready for the spring planting and farming. Happy Spring!

  50. just dropping by to say hello . Although you are taking a break from blogging, I still want to drop in to see how you are. Thank you for taking time to visit my blogs as well. Hope you are having pretty weather!

  51. Thank you so much for stopping by, I am so sorry that this is a blogging hard time for you. Its like that I think. My kids read my blog and so does my grandkids. So when I think of stopping blogging I think of the people it matters to and for. I loved that blog you did about your family and no car. I am sorry, I have been a blogger MIA too. I hope you don't stop.

  52. I just found you, I do not think you are boring. I dont FB, I came back to my old blog, I enjoy posting even if nobody reads it. It is a nice creative outlet. Hope you decide to post again.

  53. Charlotte, thank you for stopping over my blog, and for leaving a comment. Please stop by from time to time, I'm following you now,so when you post I won't miss it. :)

  54. Charlotte, oh Charlotte - how I miss you!

    Been away quite a bit the past few weeks, but as you know probably I didn't start a new blog but don't as much as I used to so I guess it's a balancing act. I hope you're doing well!


  55. thank you for stopping over and leaving a comment. Your Easter as a little girl in the 40's, I'd love to hear more about it. My sister was born in 42, our Dad in the Pacific, WWII. Times were much different for her growing up than me in 57. Somehow I think that her times were much better, she knew the grandparents, families were closer, you made do with what you had, kept it simple. I hope you have a lovely Easter, and would love to hear about the sweetness of your time, and what made it special for you now as an adult.

  56. I just saw your comment on Ernestine's blog, and came over to yours. I'm so sorry you have stopped, just when I've found you.

  57. Hello, hope this finds you doing well. How much I miss you posting.......but can certainly understand. Thank you for stopping by my blogs to say hello!

  58. I just wanted to visit your blog and wish you a happy spring. Hope all is going well with the weather,spring planting,and farming.

  59. Hello, hope you are doing well and that you are having nice weather!

  60. hello, just dropped by. Hope your are doing well!

  61. Thank you for stopping over my place and leaving a comment. How are your day lillies fairing? Must have been scary to have a tree come down. We have a very large tree in our back yard, I worry every time it gets windy, it could take out any number of the neighbors houses or ours. You get quite a bit of traffic on your blog,alot of comments. I do not find you boring at all. In fact I like to visit, and hope that you will post once in a while.

  62. Love that header picture, especially the black/white one ( the little one) how darling.Would have like to have a moo cow...maybe in another life. Thanks for stopping over and leaving a comment...Miniatures are amazing....I don't often find/see anything like this..

  63. Just stopping by to see how you are doing. I'm sure you are very busy now on the farm. Here in WNC the farmers are very busy cutting hay. It's real hot and dry here, but the work never ends on a farm.

  64. Hello, how are you? I just wanted to answer your question you asked on my blog. I use cotton yarn for dishcloths. The brand Love This Cotton is excellent. I have gotten to where I do not like acrylic yarn for anything. I use small cotton thread when I crochet doilies. I hoe this finds you doing well!

  65. Still miss your posts! Hope you are well!

  66. have been absent for a long while, it seems people are missing you. i am a "late connector" to you, i was happy to see your comment this morning. i feel the same way that you do at times, it's not all that exciting...but i do move along and i do enjoy the act of writing about my life and my adventures!! perhaps you will change your mind and come doesn't have to be that exciting!!

  67. yes....I agree with the others...come on back. I thank you for always stopping over my place, and taking the time to comment, you are not a pest at all, and I enjoy my conversations with you..this is why we do this right? Like minded folks connecting and enjoying each others company.It really is never boring when you are talking to a friend or neighbor across the clothesline...

  68. I like that you change them up for the holidays. Such a simple joy in a very complicated noisy world. The simple things abound, and are free for us to enjoy every minute of the day, every day. Thank you for stopping over. :)

  69. Hello, hope you are having a pleasant summer!

  70. Hello, hope this finds you doing well and that summer is treating you good!

  71. I hope all is well with you. Summer is a hard time on the farm and I know you are very busy. I hope all is going good for you.

  72. i started to read and the words were familiar!! i looked at the date and see you have not updated. thanks for visiting me and for leaving such a nice comment!!

  73. Amen to that ! It's another way that God is mocked by them, and that is thrown in our faces every day. Inclusion & Diversity tired of the overuse of the words. We are all people diverse because GOD made us that way, we are all different and special in GOD's eyes, Idon't need a flag, or a month to scream it to the world. Such silliness. Thanks for stopping over my place, I like that you visit, and everytime I come here, more and more comments, make a post girl! People will read it. :)

  74. Hello, hope you are not suffering from the heat wave that is hitting the nation! Thank you for always dropping by my blogs and leaving such sweet comments!

  75. He is lovely isn't he? I say he because there were 2, he was the brighter of the two as is usual in the bird world, the male is more colorful. I "think" it is a red finch. I have not seen the pair since then. He posed so pretty quite a while. He was the perfect candidate for wordless Wednesday. Thank you for stopping over, leaving comments and visiting this old gal.

  76. Hello, just stopping by to see how you are. Temps have reached 107 very hot! Hope this finds you with pleasant weather!

  77. Just dropping by to say hello! Hope you are well and that you are having good weather!

  78. Marigolds have such a lovely scent. They remind me of being a little girl. I love stuff like that. Zinnia's so vintage and sturdy as well. Thank you for stopping over my place.

  79. Sorry to comment on your blog as you leave. I think the fact that others are not interested in your hobbies and loves is not a bad thing...just you missed your audience. I suggest you search for blogs on subjects you like and then post what you found and build an audience. I do thank you for visiting my blog. I think we older bloggers are all slowing down and posting less. But I will not stop as it is my journal.

  80. Thinking of you, Charlotte. I actually made a post today that made me think of you. :)


  81. I hope all is well with you and you aren't getting any bad storms in your part of the country. I guess on the farm you are harvesting the crops by now. It's a hard, hot job working the land. Stay well.

  82. thank you for telling me about the hummingbird moth, i will know to look for them in the afternoon!!

  83. Hi there!
    Just dropping by to say THANKS for visiting my farm blog-Homestead Hill Farm. I hope you'll visit again.
    I truly appreciate your encouraging words.

  84. I hope all is well with you and hopefully the weather will soon get cooler. It's been a really hot summer here. Looking forward to fall! Happy fall!

  85. I was hoping to see a new post on your one-year blogging break anniversary. Hopefully, this late summer heat wave will go bye-bye pretty soon. Take care!

  86. Hello, it's been a little over a year now since you stopped posting. I hope that you are enjoying your days and that maybe your weariness has gone away. Wishing you a nice ending summer!

  87. Just stopping over to say hello. Hope this finds you doing well!

  88. My first time to visit and I am going to jump around and enjoy reading your past posts.

    Don't give up writing. It is too important. Forget about other people, write for yourself. Write what you like. My life is boring but I am happy. I don't care about the world or what they think.

    When my boys were young and we homeschooled, I taught them history by reading other people's diaries. Even sharing the most mundane things, doing laundry, cleaning house, gardening, was interesting when it was done 150 years ago. Take a break, then come back refreshed.

  89. Just stopping by to wish you a beautiful fall and cooler weather. We've had a heat wave here in the East. Looking forward to cooler days.

  90. Well, I too fell of the blogging bandwagon. Very time-consuming but I do miss hearing from "old friends". I do believe we live nearby. Actually, I am in London now and since my blogging days have retired and then went back to work. I hope you are well.

  91. Hey there, Charlotte~ just stopping by to say hello and let you know I was thinking of you. Hope you are well!

  92. You changed you header..I can smell the fall in the air. Look at those pines in there, love the smell of the woodlands in the crisp fall air. Thank you. Mine is heavy also, and very difficult to push. The other day my husband ran the sweeper for me, he said..." is this always this difficult"? Yes...and it doesn't pick up well. Like I said....not right from the get go. But we didn't have the finances to purchase a new one. Usually I'd have one of the boys vaccum, they are young and strong. Even they said it was hard to push. Thank you for stopping over.

  93. Hello, hope you are enjoying pretty fall weather? Hope you are doing well.

  94. Hello, hope this finds you doing well and enjoying pretty fall weather!

  95. we had a nice visit didn't we? I'd love to see what's on your hook. I'm just about to finish up the current thread doily/mandala. Using up some stash.

  96. that fpdc is not hard at all, rather than working in the st, you are working a dc around the post of the dc in the previous row. The bpdc is also worked around the stitch, in dc. It's how you place hook determines whether it is front or back. But it is a dc stitch.I watched a tutorial on it, I'm a visual and so I had to see someone do it, maybe that will help you too.

  97. Hello again. I know you are not into blogging lately, but Check out my blog before Nov. 18th. There is a "contest" I have linked for bloggers who like crochet, knit,embroider and more that you might like to enter. Take care and stay warm!

  98. Wishing you a happy and blessed Thanksgiving.

  99. I just has to stop by and wish you a happy Thanksgiving!

  100. Your header photo of the train is awesome!

    Hope you are well and will have a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  101. Whoa Nellie! 113 comments? I think you are pretty popular! I've only ever gotten 5-7. I know it's work but for me it is my only social outlet. I have no one to talk to visit or socialize with so I find people with common interests on the blogs. I always wanted to farm but my parents weren't farmers but my relatives were. I hope you come back to blog! A rest over the holidays would be good though! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  102. Love your header! So cheery! Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a peace filled new year!

  103. Hi Charlotte,
    Thank you for commenting on my blog. I hope you are well and the fall farming has just about gotten finished. Stay well.

  104. Hello Charlotte, I miss your postings, and I hope this finds you and all of your family safe and well. Enjoy this fall and upcoming Thanksgiving!

  105. Thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you are doing well. I miss your postings on your blog.

  106. Just stopping by to wish you a blessed Thanksgiving!

  107. What a gorgeous piece you have posted in your header. It is just so you! I love it!

  108. I hope all is well with you and your family. By now you may have had a nice snow. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  109. sending you warm wishes for a blessed new year!

  110. Sending you warm wishes for a happy New Year and happy Valentine's Day.

  111. Hello and thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. It appears that I've come at the point where you're taking a break from blogging. I hope you'll eventually come back to it.
    Meanwhile visit my blog and read about my very ordinary days ( which I still marvel that anyone is interested in).

  112. Happy New Year Charlotte! How are you? Has the new year been a good beginning for you? Take care!

  113. Hello, I wanted to stop by and say hello. Hope this finds you with pretty days?

  114. Thank you for always stopping by my blogs and thank you for your prayers for our son Zack

  115. Just wanted to stop by and wish you a beautiful spring and very happy Easter.

  116. Just stopping by your blog to wish you a happy spring. I guess you are very busy on the farm with spring planting.

  117. I've been MIA from blogging also. I hope you're well and happy.
