Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The End of an Era

Ok, maybe that's a little overly dramatic! For several years -- I can't even remember how many -- we've had fresh eggs. A couple of days ago, I used the last of them. We have only two hens now, and they are getting old, I guess. They've been laying only one egg between them for several weeks (and as you know from the earlier post, we've had trouble getting that one before a skunk does). Gradually the supply in the refrigerator kept getting lower and lower, and finally I used the last one on an upside-down blueberry pancake recipe (which turned out to be a disaster, but that's another story).

Our daughter says she wants to take part in the 4-H poultry chain project this summer, so we'll get some new hens in the fall. But for now, I'll have to do without those nice brown eggs. I'll miss them.

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