Friday, June 15, 2012

More From the Barn

While the barn memories are fresh on my mind, I wanted to show you this picture frame.  Daddy made it for me from a board that came from the part of the barn where the cow with rabies was kept.  That was a terrible time for our family, so the frame has special meaning for me.  And don't you think it's perfect for the piggies?  The picture was a kit done in crewel embroidery.  It hangs in my kitchen.



  1. Love, love this . . . and I know it's a treasure you'll cherish. What a great idea to make the frame from a piece of the barn!

  2. That is a treasure..and such a beautiful one indeed...You'll always have a part of that old barn with you..

  3. I may have known that about the source of the wood, but I didn't remember it.

    And your crewel embroidery is so nice!

  4. I always loved that picture. And I'm like Augustina Peach...I didn't realize that's where the wood came from either. What a neat thing to have!

  5. What a treasure. I took a brick from the old high school building. (not that that has anything to do with the lovely gift from your father - but just thought of it) It is late and and already Sunday AM. I hope your Sunday is full of peace and relaxation.

  6. That's so cute. And I know that frame means SOOO much to you!

  7. You make me smile.
    I have a small foot stool made from a cherry tree that fell down on my old farmhouse property...

  8. Awwww... that is precious, Charlotte!

  9. Oh I love the frame-the history-and the piggies too : )
