So, have you had your fill of turkey, dressing, sweet potatoes, all the traditional Thanksgiving fare? I didn't crave the leftovers too much today, and with the cold temperatures this morning, I decided to go back to everyday food, and serve up some hot chili. Can you imagine a cuter way to serve chili than in a Campbell Soup tureen?
This collection started as a Christmas gift a few years ago (I know, you're tired of my collections!). Someone told me I should collect them, and I was off and looking. This time I was smart about what to collect and stayed with only one specific item instead of taking anything and everything related to Campbell Soup. Some of the tureens came with at least two mugs and a ladle, with the mugs being just the right size for a medium serving, leaving one the option of having a second helping without breaking the calorie budget.
I have enough sets for each of my grandchildren to get one when he or she starts life away from Mama's kitchen (if they want one); one granddaughter, in law school, has already taken hers. Another has chosen the one she wants and her name is on the bottom of the tureen.
The set on the left, above, smells like
potpourri (probably from a shop where it was on display), despite a good washing, and it may not ever be suitable for holding soup.
As I have said before, I love the feel of stoneware, and these little soup pots make a sweet, colorful addition to a country home.
Oh! I love all those pieces. I think they would look so pretty on the table.